Ekki Timber
Ekki continues to be popular as a specialist timber. Its appearance, durability and resistance to decay make it a popular species for a number of specialist construction uses, also the timber is extremely hard and used for railroad ties and bridge planking applications such as sleepers and bridge works. It is available in various larger sections and lengths.
The timber, also known as Azobe, has better electrical properties than other wood making it possible to use it in poles for electric fences without separate isolators. The colour is reddish brown and the wood is abrasive, dulling tools rapidly.
Ekki is very strong and durable timber, a versatile hardwood used in the construction industry. It is used extensively in the UK for a range of engineering projects of bridges, piers, Lock gates, piling, it is one of the hardest and most durable timber species on the planet.
Coming from tropical forests in West Africa, Ekki (or Azobe) has a wonderful combination of mechanical properties, density and durability, Ekki hardwood requires no preservative treatment and is therefore environmentally friendly.
See the other specialist timbers from MHS
M.H. Southern offer a range of Specialist Timbers to customers looking for higher quality materials for particular projects.
We also offer full milling, treatment and strength grading facilities for all the timbers we supply. In addition our transport fleet has crane off load facilities.
If you require any further information on any of our specialist timbers,
please call our Sales Office on 0191 489 8231Â or email sales@mhsouthern.co.uk.